
Programs Offered

(AS-AHSL) Associate of Science in Agroforestry Education for Health And Sustainable Livelihoods

The program is forward leaning and traditionally grounded so as to be relevant to its intended stakeholders and of life-long value. The degree has two tracks: Agro-ecology and Plant-Based Cultural Arts.

Community Services

After II World war, many shops opened with a variety of foreign food leading to:

  1. the abandonment of traditional agroforestry-based food production systems that were sustainably practiced with fishing by the RMI people,
  2. drastic change in food consumption pattern leading to an explosion of diabetes and other NCD,
  3. reduced practice and gradual loss of knowledge of creative methods of food preservation and preparation and of craft making, and
  4. lack of familiarity with the names, nutritional values and medicinal benefits of several island plants.
  • This is in aberration of the concept of “Food Sovereignty” defined as: The right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods; including the right to define their own food and agricultural systems.
  • NIFA-USDA Grant funded Agricultural Education for Health and Sustainable Livelihoods with two specializations in Agroecology and Plant based cultural Arts

Possible Job Opportunities

Transfer to University for Bachelor’s Degree

Employed as:

  • Agroforest Extension Worker for MNRC
  • Agroforest Expert for government and non government sectors
  • Entrepreneur (Self employed)
  • Teacher/Educationist
  • Agroforest farmer
  • Agroforest marketer

Agroforestry UNDP Training

The Agroforestry program is funded by UNDP and was launched on 4th May 2020 in the presence of the Mayors, extension agents and participants from Ebon, Jaluit, Namu, Jabat, Mejit, Lae, Wotho and Majuro Atoll, the CMI President and other CMI Faculty and staff.

The program introduces participants to the fundamental concepts in Agroforestry identifying both global and national needs for agroforestry in Marshall Islands environment and the fundamental concepts of various Terrestrial Ecosystems. The students will also study the rich natural ecosystem on earth and the coral reef found in Marshall Islands.
There were 18 participants in the first cohort of this program and the courses are divided into two modules

  1. Module 1 covered the concepts of Agroforestry/ Terrestrial Ecosystem and Nutrient Dynamics.
  2. Module 2 will cover Silviculture systems in Agroforestry, Integrated Coastal Management and Agro-Industry products. The students will be provided with both theory and practical sessions to enhance their knowledge in this field.

The future plans of the College is to develop an Advanced Certification in Agroforestry that will be available to high school graduates and those with experience in this field.

CMI extends its appreciations to UNDP, NRC, Taiwan Technical for the field visits and the Mayor Association with special thanks to Honorable Mayors of Namu, Wotho, Lae, Mejit, Jabat and Ebon
