Unit Mission Statement
The Financial Affairs and Business Services Department is to provide accurate, reliable, supportive and cost-effective financial, accounting and Business Services to the College and the community at large.
Approved by IPC on July 12, 2017.
The Financial Affairs and Business Services (FABS) has financial oversight for the management of financial affairs of the College of the Marshall Islands including general ledger, student, vendor, accounts receivable, accounts payable, procuring of goods and services, and management of the College’s Commercial Services (i.e. Bookstore, Food Services, Media Center and ect).

Interim Director, Financial Affairs and Business Services
welcomes your input regarding any of the services provided by FABS. They may be contacted at (692) 625-3394 ext 519 or by visiting the Business Office located on the first floor of the Administration Building.
The Financial Affairs and Business Office staff are here to serve the students and the wider community. If you have any questions regarding the areas below, please contact the responsible staff member who is more than happy to assist you.

Chief Financial Accountant
Lina Jimenez oversees the financial accountability from Accounts Receivable (Collections) to Accounts Payable (Disbursements), Reconciliation of bank accounts & inter funds, and Mailroom Service areas of the Business Office. She may be contacted at (692) 625-3394, ext. 286, or by visiting the Business Office. Lina may also assist you with any queries pertaining to:
- Performing monthly bank reconciliations
- Performing monthly reconciliation of all CMI ledgers
- Updating of general ledgers (i.e. Accounts payable and receivable)

Chief of Business Affairs
Valyn Chong Gum is responsible for Budget and Compliance for all transactions of the College of the Marshall Islands. Areas that fall under Valyn include a reconciliation of all federal, state, and local grants, which directly affect the CMI’s general ledger, reconciliation of general ledger accounts, and reporting financial data as required by the RMI Government and other Federal Agencies. She may be contacted at (692) 625-3394, ext 285, or by visiting the Business Office on the Administration’s first floor. She may also assist you with:
- Department’s budget reports & analysis
- Federal Grant Reporting and compliance (SEFA)
- Reprogramming or transfer of fund from one line-item to another
- Advice on allowable and non-allowable purchases

Sr. Accountant I – Account Receivable/Payroll
The office of Financial Affairs and Business Services office maintains the financial records for all CMI employees and students. Part of the financial record keeping includes, but is not limited to, student financial records and employees and students’ payroll records. Questions regarding your student accounts and payroll records may be directed to Lilly Esther M. Tartios who can be contacted at (692) 625-3394, ext 304, or by visiting the Business Office at the Administration first floor. She can assist you with:
- Providing advice to employees and students on payment arrangements to clear outstanding balances
- Providing advice on student ledger reports
- Providing information on student refunds and outstanding balances
- Providing information on payroll for CMI’s Full-time and Part-time employees
- Providing information on payroll for students on the CMI Workstudy program

Chief of Procurement
Ruthy Maun is responsible for the overall management of the College of the Marshall Islands’ Procurement Office, which is primarily the purchasing and monitoring of all goods and services for the College of Marshall Islands. She may be contacted at (692) 625-3394, ext 249, or by visiting the Business Office on the Administration’s first floor. She may assist you with:
- Coordinating and managing the acquisition of goods and services
- Managing all CMI assets and supplies
- Creating and setting up new vendors

Procurement Officer I
Terry Joel is responsible for processing of all approved POs to ensure the orders of materials and supplies are picked up on a timely manner. He may be contacted at (692)625-3394/456-5111 ext. 544 or tjoel@cmi.edu. He may assist you with:
- Centralize picking up/delivering of goods in and out of CMI Warehouse/Joko
- Mailing of materials and supplies to CMI Centers (Ebeye, Jaluit, & Wotje)
- Also assist Procurement FA Specialist.