VPBAA Stevenson Kotton
(692) 623-3891
Organizational Chart
The Vice President For Business & Administrative Affairs (VPBAA) is the chief administrative service officer of the College and reports directly to the President. The VP BAA is responsible for providing leadership in all fiscal and administrative services including planning and directing the College’s fiscal management, budget planning and implementation, auxiliary services, information and technology services and bus services. The VP BAA oversees the safety of CMI community- students, staff, faculty and visitors. In addition, the VP BAA is responsible for providing leadership for all facilities planning and construction and other duties/projects assigned. The VPBAA ensures efficient and timely services to the members of the CMI community and our stakeholders through innovative changes.
Mr. Stevenson Kotton, CMI alumni, UH Hilo graduate in Business and Accounting and former Chief Financial Officer was appointed as the first CMI VPBAA in October, 2017. Among many accomplishments, Mr. Kotton was responsible for leading the implementation of the Financial Recovery Plan in 2012 which has resulted in the substantial reduction of the overall CMI budget deficit from 2012 to 2018 and improving the College’s fiscal management and practices.
Annual Financial Reports and Publications
The College of the Marshall Islands to focus on providing student centered learning and working environment. The Office of VP BAA provides Financial Reports and Publications to demonstrate fiscal and administrative accountability, transparency and stewardship on how CMI uses public funds.
Annual Financial Reports
Audit Reports
Budget Portfolio
CMI Master Plan
Capital Projects
Maintenance Projects
Financial Recovery Plan