The College of the Marshall Islands’ Cooperative research and extension (CMI-CRE) is an USDA-NIFA Land Grant funded program serving the people of the Marshall Islands. The CMI-CRE office is located at the Uliga campus, the research component is based at CMI Arrak Campus. The central office is located in Kolonia, Pohnpei, where the grant is allocated and distributed to the three Micronesian Colleges namely; Palau Community College, College of Micronesia-Federated State of Micronesia and College of the Marshall Islands. Through the following structure it was established by a treaty between the US and the three governments in Micronesia. It was further enacted by RMI PL 1992-2013, under the College of the Marshall Islands Act. More details of the set up can be viewed at the Micronesia Land Grant website:
Strengthen and improve skills and the well-being of the people through research, extension, and informal education by incorporating science-based actuality, technologies and traditional knowledge. Work in conjunction and through collective efforts of service providers, stakeholders, and clientele to promote sustainable livelihoods.
Mentally, physically, socially and economically equip the community in today’s state of affairs.
Organizational Chart

Critical Issues to Address
- Lack of Food Production and Food Insecurity
- Sustainable Aquaculture Development
- Climate Change Challenges
- Youth & Family Issues
- High Incidence of Food and Waterborne Illnesses
- Nutrition and Health
Research Areas
- Agriculture Research
- Atoll Urban Gardening Project (Terminated)
- Atoll Soil Improvement Project (Terminated)
- Mushroom Project (Terminated)
- Aquaculture Research
- Asaphis Deflorata (Terminated)
- Groupers (Terminated)
- Food Technology Research
- Coconut Flour (in the pipeline)
- Tacca Leontopetaloides Starch (in the pipeline)
- Virgin Coconut Oil (in the pipeline)
- Agriculture Extension
- Sustainable agriculture practices
- Aquaculture Extension
- Sustainable aquaculture livelihood practices
- Food Technology Extension
- Food Safety
- Food Processing & Preservation Practices
- Climate Change Extension
- Adaptation & Mitigation Practices
- Youth and Family Extension
- Health, Social, Moral and Traditional knowledge & skills
- Expanded Food & Nutrition Edu Program
- Healthy diets, Food Safety, Healthy Local Food Demos

Training Projects on Ebon Atoll
With support from the Mayor’s office, council and the traditional leaders, the team visited 2 of the 3 communities (Ebon Ebon and Tōkā) and provided the several training projects.

The extension team visited Wōtto
After a couple of meetings with Honorable Mayor Kudo Kabua and several key members of the Wōtto council and traditional leaders, the extension team visited the community to provide knowledge-based and project-based training projects.

CMI CRE Land-Grant visited communities of Wōtje and Wōdmeej
After a couple of meetings with Honorable Mayor Joe Hanchor and several key council and traditional leaders from Wōtje atoll, the CMI CRE Land-Grant visited 2 communities (Wōtje and Wōdmeej)