Science, Technology and Mathematics


The mission of Science, Technology, and Mathematics (STeM) Department is to provide science, technology and mathematics courses to support academic programs and prepare students seeking careers in marine science or an advanced education in a STeM discipline.

Approved by CC on March 5, 2018. Approved by IEC on March 14, 2018.

Purpose of the Program and Content

The department is committed to provide graduates with knowledge and competency in the areas of Science, Technology, and Mathematics and exhibit self-reliance as an independent critical thinkers and innovative problem solvers. Our courses prepare graduates for careers in STEM related fields and those seeking transfers to four year colleges and universities. The department offers a Certificate of Completion in Marine Science program and courses in Science, Technology, and Mathematics to support all academic programs.

Programs Offered

(CC-MS) Certificate of Completion in Marine Science

The Marine Science Certificate prepares qualified individuals to build local capacity and to support scientific-based decision making regarding marine ecosystems within the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

(CC ITSL1) Certificate of Completion in IT Support Level 1

The purpose of an IT Support Certificate program is to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a career in the field of IT support. This program is designed to equip students with a solid foundation in various ICT aspects such as computer systems, networks, website design, information systems, and programming. Purpose […]

Math Accelerated Program

The Math Accelerated Program, which began in Spring 2019, is designed to assist students fulfilling their developmental math requirements within a shorter timeframe. In addition to the regular developmental math path, the accelerated class allows students the opportunity to complete two levels of developmental math in one semester.

Program Requirements:

  • Placed in developmental math level II Math 088/089
  • Extended class hours to fulfill each level in 8 weeks of Fall/Spring semester and 4 weeks in the Summer
  • Level II: Math 088 Introduction to Algebra, and Level III: Math 098 Intermediate Algebra or Math 089 Basic Mathematics and Math 099 Fundamentals in Mathematics.
  • For Non STEM Pathway, credit level, Math 102 Survey of Mathematics and Math 160 Elementary Statistics. 
  • For STEM Pathway, credit level, Math 111 College Algebra and Math 121 College Trigonometry.

STEM Courses for other Programs

Information Computer Systems (ICS)
3 Credits
ICS 101 – Introduction to Microsoft Office

ENG 80s or English Credit Placement

Introduces the basic principles and techniques of data processing through hands-on experience with Microsoft Office. Provides an introduction to computer applications focusing on a hands-on approach to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Course Outline- ICS 101
3 Credits
ICS 104 – Spreadsheets

C or better in ICS 101

Expands students’ understanding of spreadsheet programs.  Examines extensive uses of spreadsheets that are commonly used in today’s business world. Provides a project-driven approach to creating spreadsheets to meet today’s diverse business demands.

Course Outline- ICS 104
Mathematics (MATH)
4 Credits
MATH 088 – Elementary Algebra

Establishes a foundation in algebraic concepts with a focus on simplifying expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities, graphing linear equations in two variables, exponents, introduction to planar geometry, polynomial operations, factoring and solving quadratic equations by factoring.

Course Outline- MATH 088
4 Credits
MATH 089 – Basic Mathematics

Provides a comprehensive study of foundational mathematical skills which should provide a strong mathematical underpinning for further study. Topics include principles and applications of decimals, fractions, the number line, ratio, signed operations, properties of operations, order of operations, numerical factoring, perimeter, and area.

Course Online- MATH 089
4 Credits
MATH 098 – Intermediate Algebra

Math 088 Introductory Algebra or Placement

Strengthens students’ understanding of algebraic concepts and problem solving. Topics include systems of linear equations, rational expressions and equations, rational exponents and radicals, and quadratic equations.

Course Outline- MATH 098
4 Credits
MATH 099 – Fundamental of Mathematics

Math 089 Basic Mathematics or Placement

Focuses on application of mathematical skills to solving problems that are relevant to Non-STEM students for Credit level Math that does not lead to College Algebra and Calculus. Topics include principles and applications of decimals, fractions, ratio, proportions, signed operations, properties of operations, order of operations, measurements, perimeter, area and volume of plane geometric figures, and introduction to Statistics and Probability.

3 Credits
MATH 102 – Survey of Mathematics

Math 90s (Intermediate Algebra) or Placement in Credit Math

Introduces students to a broad variety of mathematical applications. Emphasizes topics that are applicable to students lives. Develops students understanding of topics such as problem solving, sets, geometry and measurements, personal finance, counting techniques, probability and statistics.

Course Outline- MATH 102
4 Credits
MATH 111 – College Algebra

Math 90s or Placement in Credit Math

Builds on the fundamentals of algebra developed in basic and intermediate courses.  It extends students’ knowledge and skills in algebra through practical applications related to real world situations.

Course Outline- Math 111
4 Credits
MATH 121 – College Trigonometry

Pre-requisites: C or better in MATH 111

Designed for students interested in pursuing other courses in mathematics, sciences, or engineering.  Develops proficiency in trigonometry and its underlying concepts.  Relies on technology and critical thinking in solving and analyzing real-world problems.

Course Outline- MATH 121
4 Credits
MATH 160 – Elementary Statistics

Math 90s or Placement into Credit, English 90s or Placement into credit C or better in ICS 101

Develops statistical literacy. Emphasizes application of concepts of data gathering, variability, random sampling, statistical significance, interpretation of statistical results in context, and critique of stories and/or articles that include statistical results.

Course Outline- MATH 160
4 Credits
MATH 201 – Calculus I

C or better in MATH 121 or Permission of Instructor

Provides a standard introduction to differential and integral calculus, and covers topics ranging from functions and limits to derivatives and their applications, definite and indefinite integrals, and the fundamental theorem of calculusC .

Course Outline- MATH 201
Sciences (SCI)
4 Credits
SCI 101 – Introduction to Agriculture

C or better in ENG 111 and ENG 105, Math 90s or Placement in Credit math

Introduces agricultural concepts, technology, and practices. Explores agricultural development and how it improves the health of people and the environment.

4 Credits
SCI 110 – Anatomy and Physiology I

C or better in ENG 111 and ENG 105, C or better in SCI 120, Math 90s or Placement in Credit math

Introduces structure, function, and organization of the human body, specifically the cellular, tissue, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems.

4 Credits
SCI 112 – Climate Change

C or better in ENG 111 and ENG 105

Designed to provide students and community members with a scientific knowledge of climate systems and climate change within a Pacific Islands context in preparation to share this knowledge in classroom and community situations.

4 Credits
SCI 110 – Anatomy and Physiology I

C or better in ENG 111 and ENG 105, C or better in SCI 120, Math 90s or Placement in Credit math

Introduces structure, function, and organization of the human body, specifically the cellular, tissue, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems.

4 Credits
SCI 120 – Introduction to Biology

C or better in ENG 111 and ENG 105, Math 90s or Placement in Credit math

Introduces molecular biology, cellular biology, genetics, evolution, biological kingdoms, and ecology.

4 Credits
SCI 110 – Anatomy and Physiology I

C or better in ENG 111 and ENG 105, C or better in SCI 120, Math 90s or Placement in Credit math

Introduces structure, function, and organization of the human body, specifically the cellular, tissue, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems.

4 Credits
SCI 230 – Introduction to Chemistry

Pre-requisites: C or better in ENG 111, Math 90s or Placement in Credit math

Introduces students to a conceptual approach to fundamental principles of chemistry including chemical calculations, elementary atomic theory, and fundamental laws and theories of chemistry with emphasis on chemical substances and reactions.

4 Credits
SCI 210 – Anatomy and Physiology II

C or better in SCI 110, C or better in SCI 230

Reviews cellular biology and levels of organization. Emphasizes structure and function of endocrine, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urinary, lymphatic, and reproductive systems and human life cycle.

4 Credits
SCI 215 – Microbiology

C or better in SCI 120, C or better in SCI 230

Involves the study of the structure, requirements for growth, classification, metabolism, and genetics of prokaryotic microorganisms, viruses, and several types of eukaryotic species. Methods of control, elimination, and reduction in pathogenic or potentially pathogenic organisms will be emphasized. Infectious diseases will also be studied.

Program Learning Outcome

Equations and Inequalities: Formulate and solve algebraic equations and inequalities.
Graphs: Through the creation and analysis of graphs, demonstrate the ability to both compare and quantify changes.
Quantitative Problems: Recognize, construct and use equivalent mathematical expressions in order to simplify or solve quantitative problems.
Word Problems: When solving word problems, demonstrate the ability to (i) understand the conditions, (ii) formulate a plan appropriate to the conditions, (iii) execute the plan, and (iv) logically examine the solution.

Advising Committee Minutes of Meeting


Sumaoang, Rosalinda

STEM Department Chair

Ph.D., Educational Administration, Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines
M.A., Education / Mathematics, Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines
B.A., Education / Mathematics, St. Peter’s College, Philippines


Baleikorocau, Waisiki

M.S. Pure Mathematics, University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Mathematics, University of the South Pacific,
B.Ed. Secondary – Mathematics, University of the South Pacific


Nating, Dako

M.Sc. in Marine Science University of the South Pacific, Fiji
B.Sc. (Biology/Geography) University of the South Pacific, Kiribati Postgraduate 
B.Sc. (Biology/Chemistry) University of the South Pacific
Diploma in Marine Science University of the South Pacific, Fiji


Romany, Kendal

M.Sc. Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management, University of Trinidad & Tobago, Trinidad.
B.Sc. Environmental Management, College of Science Technology and Applied Arts, Trinidad.


Vila, Curtis

Bachelor of Science in Commerce University of Pangasinan
Master of Distance Education University of the Philippines


Okoro, Linus

Ph.D., Bio-Physical Chemistry, University of Dortmund, Germany
M.Sc., Bio-Organic Chemistry, University of Braunschweig, Germany
M.Sc., Physical Chemistry, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
B.Sc., Industrial Chemistry, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria
