The Institutional Research (IR) office is primarily responsible for official college reporting of data related to students, faculty, staff, college, services, and programs.
Check the Facts and Dashboards for the most up-to-date data reports on student access and success and institutional operations and processes. The Institutional Research Reports contains the IPEDS and external assessment tools’ comprehensive reports.
IR leads the Data Governance process in ensuring an institution-wide data strategy is in place including the training and coaching of stakeholders in the use of data, analysis, and information in decision-making primarily through the Data Summit.
The CMI Institutional Research currently aligns with the Duties and Functions of Institutional Research as outlined by the Association of Institutional Research.
Reports requiring the release of individual-level data must be requested to and approved by the head of the department and the immediate supervisor that owns the data. Individuals wishing to access college data for the purpose of original research that may lead to publication must, in addition, receive written permission from the chief academic officer (Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs). Institutions and organizations that wish to receive non-public data from CMI must be covered by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). (CMI Data Release Policy)
The College of the Marshall Islands Institutional Research Office collects and manages data to provide information with in-depth analyses in support of program reviews, decision making, and policy-making and to fulfill mandatory reporting requirements.
Program Review Reports
For more information, please contact
Cheryl Vila, Director
Institutional Research and Assessment
Office of Institutional Research and Planning
College of the Marshall Islands
P.O. Box 1258
Majuro, MH 96960
Phone: 692-625 3835 (ext 233)