The College of the Marshall Islands (hereinafter referred to as the “College”) recognizes the fundamental need to have policy, and certain procedures to carry out policy, in order to guide the College toward its stated mission. Written policy is a guide in making decisions and helps to reflect the general practices to be followed by the College Human Resources function.
It is the belief of the College that policies should be dynamic in nature to appropriately and fairly govern the relations of this institution with its students, Employees, and community. The policies found in this Handbook should be reviewed on an ongoing basis and added to or modified when appropriate.
The adoption of policy is a power and important duty of the Board of Regents. However, the Board deems it necessary for the process of policy formation and modification to be a shared effort of the Board, College faculty, staff and administration. College policies must be in keeping with the rules and regulations of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and other governmental authorities as may be required by law or as a condition of funding.
The College’s Human Resources Policies and Procedures Handbook is to be made available and accessible to all College Employees. The Handbook is accessible online on the College website: and on the Employee Web Service(EWS). Copies are to be located in the College library, the office of the College President, and the administrative offices of College departments.
Note: The Policies contained in this Handbook are in Italics, to facilitate reference.
This Handbook supersedes all previous Handbooks and applies to all College employees, including Faculty. The policies and procedures outlined in this Handbook will be applied at the discretion of the College.
Employment with the College is subject to the terms and conditions in this Handbook and each employee is responsible for its content. This Handbook is not a contract and the policies contained within do not change an employee’s employment status as set forth in the employee’s individual employment contract. Instead, it has been prepared as a reference device to help employees in understanding both the employment policies of the College, as well as the benefits provided by the College. Some employees may have separate written agreements pertaining to their employment. If any of the policies in this Handbook conflict with any negotiated agreement, country or local laws or regulations, then the negotiated agreement, country, state, or local laws or regulations will supersede the College’s policy in those specific instances.
Employees should read the Handbook carefully and maintain it for future reference. Whenever an employee has a question about basic employment information such as jobs, benefits, and College policies or procedures, s/he should initially refer to her/his copy of the Human Resources Policy. Every employee should feel free to ask his/her Supervisor or Human Resources Representative any questions s/he might have about the Handbook.
This Handbook is the property of the College.
The College of the Marshall Islands will provide our community with access to quality, higher and further educational services, prioritize student success through engagement in relevant Academic, Career and Technical Education, and be a center for the study of Marshallese Culture. It will also provide intellectual resources and facilitate research specific to the needs of the nation
BOR approved 1st December, 2020.
The College of the Marshall Islands will become a model educational center for the nation.
BOR approved 1st December, 2020.
We believe that quality education is essential to the well-being of individuals and to the wellbeing of the Marshallese people as a whole, now and in the future. We are therefore committed to the creation of an educational environment where individual differences of gift, potential, and belief are recognized; where personal choice, responsibility, and growth are encouraged; and where educational content addresses the general and specific needs of the students, the local community, and the nation. We further believe that integration of theoretical knowledge and practical experience is a fundamental value of successful education in our rapidly changing society. Achieving this integration of the theoretical and the practical requires a blend of flexibility and consistent evaluation.
BOR approved 1st December, 2020.
Employee Attributes
CMI’s faculty and staff demonstrate their dedication to the Mission and Vision of the College through the following core employee attributes (competencies):
I will:- Treat my co-workers, supervisors and students courteously and politely at all times.
- Respect the property of others and of the College.
- Utilize internal resources to resolve employment problems (discussions with supervisor, department Administrator, Human Resources, grievance process, etc).
- Respect the privacy of my co-workers, students and external partners of CMI in the discharge of my duties.
- Use appropriate and respectful words and actions when communicating with my co-workers, direct reports and supervisors in the performance of my duties.
- Show respect for my colleagues, students and external partners of CMI by dressing appropriately in accordance with the requirements of my job.
I will:- Respect and adhere to the terms of my employment contract through my daily attendance and timely arrival at my workplace.
- Use College property and resources only for legitimate work purposes (email, facsimile machines, computers, copiers and other College equipment).
- Understand and follow College policies and practices.
- Be honest in the performance of my duties and interactions with my co-workers. Praise in public; Coach in private.
- Be ethical in the performance of my duties.
I will:- Respect, include and recognize my colleagues and their differences.
- Understand the benefits of a diverse workforce.
- Be inclusive to new people and their ideas.
- Seek to understand different points of view.
- Understand and promote opportunities to experience diversity on campus for myself and others.
- Use appropriate language and give relevant information to students and their family about studying at CMI.
- Show consideration and sensitivity to others and communicate with empathy and understanding.
- Be sensitive to the culture and practices of the RMI
I will:- Understand the need for and benefit of quality service.
- Deliver high quality service to my campus partners, students and external stakeholders of CMI
- Adapt service delivery within the provisions of CMI standards to meet the needs of my customer base.
- Seek feedback from my ‘customers’ on quality of service and suggest improvements based on feedback.
- Continuously seek ways to improve service delivery to my customers.
- Use polite and welcoming words such as “Iokwe,” “Kommool tata,” “please,” “excuse me” and “you’re welcome.”
- Always seek to meet the immediate need of my customers and when I am unable to, I will gladly take him or her to someone who can.
- Offer to help and if I am unable to personally assist a student, member of the public or co-worker, I will direct them to someone who can.
I will:- Develop and maintain effective working relationships with my co-workers and external stakeholders of CMI.
- Work effectively and cooperatively with others.
- Appreciate and value the contributions of others.
- Demonstrate flexibility and willingness to step out of my comfort zone to support team and department goals.
- Be positive and acknowledge and celebrate successes of my co-workers.
- Let my team and my supervisors know if I will be away from my work station.
Employee Definitions
Employee means any Faculty or Staff under contract with the College in a Permanent or Temporary Position. The employment relationship created by contract between the College and the Employee is voluntarily entered into and is at the will of both the College and the Employee. The employment relationship, therefore, may be terminated at any time and for any reason or no reason by either the College or by the Employee, consistent with the applicable laws and policy.
Faculty means Employees of the College who are appointed to positions that are responsible for and whose performance evaluations are primarily based on teaching, research and public service goals and objectives of the College. The title given to Faculty is Instructor. Faculty compensation is derived from the Faculty Salary Scale. Faculty are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in their individual contracts and the Faculty Handbook, in addition to this Human Resources Policy and Procedures Handbook.
Academic Department Chair means a Faculty member of the College appointed on a Five Year term in consultation with department members to be responsible for directing an academic department.
Non Instructional Faculty means Employees involved with research or teaching programs who require professional and intellectual freedom, including librarians, cooperative extensionists, scientists, and researchers.
Staff means individuals employed primarily for work providing and administration and support and academic and student support.
Administrator means the President of the College and the Employees who report to the President who are responsible for planning, organizing, directing, controlling and evaluating the activities of major segment(s) of the College. Administrative titles currently include President, Executive Vice President and Vice Presidents.
Head of Department means Employees in Management levels III and II who report directly to Administrators and are responsible for a major department (multiple systems and/or broad supervisory responsibilities). Management titles of currently include Dean and Director.
Management level I/Professional III means Employees in positions with first level supervisory responsibilities within a department or management responsibility for a minor sector within a department with little or no supervisory responsibility.
Professional Staff means Staff Employees who are in a position which requires a professional qualification and intellectual freedom.
Technical Staff means Employees with technical responsibilities who are paid on an hourly basis.
Support Staff means Employees with clerical and Handbook labor responsibilities who are paid on an hourly basis.
Permanent Position means a position established by the College that is Full Time, continuing in nature and which entitle the incumbent to an initial contract of three years.
Full Time/Permanent means a position where the incumbent is scheduled to work 40 hours or more per biweekly pay period and whose position is designated to be active for twelve months or more.
Part Time/Permanent Position means a position where the incumbent is scheduled to work for less than 40 hours per biweekly pay period and whose position is expected to be active for more than twelve (12) months.
Temporary Position means a position that will be active for less than twelve (12) months. Temporary positions include the following:
- Positions which do not last more than the academic or budget year;
- Positions which are seasonal in nature;
- Positions which are part-time and /or intermittent in nature;
- Positions which are appointed under the provisions of this policy for Limited Term and Contingency Appointments.
Full Time/Temporary Positions
- Limited Term Appointment – a Full Time Temporary appointment to fill a temporary position or to fill a temporary vacancy in a Permanent Position.
Contingency Appointment – a Full Time Temporary appointment made at the discretion of the President in any category of employment, but limited to a term of one (1) year. Salaries for Contingency Appointments are derived from the appropriate salary scale.