There are two types of refund policies, the CMI Refund Policy and the financial aid repayment policy.
CMI Refund Policy
CMI uses a federally mandated refund policy. The enrollment fee and tuition are refundable for program changes made by Friday of the 2nd week of instruction for full-term classes or by Friday of the 1st week of instruction for short-term classes (short term = any class less than full-term). Refund eligibility is determined by the date the course is officially dropped. Requests for refunds must be filed by the last day of instruction in the semester for which the fee was paid, or they will be disallowed. Credit balances will be forfeited and do not carry over to the next semester/term.
NOTE: A student who must withdraw for military purposes shall be refunded 100% fees and tuition paid, regardless of the date of withdrawal. More detailed information is available in the College Catalog.
Student Aid Repayment Policy
When a student withdraws at any point in the term and has received cash disbursements (for federal grants only—Federal Work Study is not counted in this calculation), the FAO must determine if the funds received were used for educational expenses as represented by the student budget. Any funds which cannot be reasonably attributed to these educational costs must be repaid to the student aid programs.
Repayments are processed as follows: The FAO determines the reasonable expenses incurred prior to withdrawal using the Department of Education Web based R2T4 software (FAA Access). The amount of the budget said to be reasonably spent is determined by reviewing the amount of grant aid received, the length of time the student was enrolled, and any expenses accrued related to the student’s attendance. Students are informed in writing and arrangements are made to repay any overpayment to CMI within 45 days. If the student does not repay CMI within 45 days, then the overpayment record is sent to the USDE for repayment arrangements. Students are reported to NSLDS in the event of an overpayment. The FAO will document with NSLDS at the time of disbursement if the student is making satisfactory repayment of the overpayment or if the student is not making satisfactory arrangements to repay the debt.
Students who fail to make repayments, after 45 days, will have their financial aid file put on hold.