Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be the Student Government Association (SGA) of the College of the Marshall Islands (CMI). The SGA exists to provide effective participation of students in matters involving the student’s interests, to help maintain a high quality of life on campus, and to work with the administration, staff, and faculty to build and preserve a learning community.
Article I B: Logo

In July 2021, Student Government Association launched their first SGA logo. This logo represents many aspects of the SGA and how SGA works internally and externally within the college. The logo may not be used unless without permission from the SGA and the SGA Advisor.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be:
- To be a voice for the students attending the College of the Marshall Islands and for shaping of policies that affect the student body
- To give students the opportunity to develop leadership skills.
- To give students a safe place to be able to go to for issues and concerns that they may be having with higher authorities.
Article III A: Association
- Provide a medium through which the opinions and views of the student body can be expressed democratically.
- Recommend policies relating to student conduct policies
- Recommend needed improvements for policy changes which affect students, faculty and staff jointly.
- Make recommended changes in student related services.
- Initiate and encourage involvement in school and community activities.
Article III B: Membership
Any registered student at the College of the Marshall Islands is eligible to be a member of the Student Government Association. As long as they maintain a zero 3.0 grade point average.
Article IV: Organizations
Section 4.1: Executive Officers
(a) The President
- Preside at all regular sessions of the meetings
- Have authority to call special meetings
- See that all meetings are conducted in an orderly manner
- Appoint all standing committees, except the Election Committee
- Act as a representative of the Student Body at all official functions
- Provide for organizational structure and procedures not ordinarily covered by the SGA Bylaw with the CMI administration.
- See that provisions of the Bylaws are carried out
- Attend all committee and delegation meetings, if possible
- The President shall not have voting privileges except to have a vote to break a tie in balloting on an issue, in which case there will be a deciding vote.
- Present student concerns and suggestions to the Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement.
- Attend all Board of Regents meetings and be an active member as a student representative in one of CMI’s participatory governance committees
(b) Vice President
- Assume all the duties of the President in his or her absence
- Assist the President whenever called upon
- Attend all student government meetings
- Be a voting member of the SGA
- Be an active member as a student representative in one of CMI’s participatory governance committees
- Work to handle bylaws, and other SGA Club Handbook
(c) Secretary
- Take, distribute and post all minutes of the Student Government Association meetings via email to CMI announcements, CMI Faculty and CMI Community
- Be responsible for all necessary correspondence
- Keep a file of all records, including the bylaws
- Be an active member as a student representative in one of CMI’s participatory governance committees
- Keep an active member roster
- Prepare agenda items for student meetings
- Be a voting member of the SGA
- Assume the duties of the President if he or she and the Vice-President are absent
(d) Treasurer
- Keep a record of acquisition and disbursement of student government funds
- Keep a record of any student government bank account
- Make a financial report at the second student government meeting of each month
- The treasurer and another person appointed by the Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement and SGA President shall jointly withdraw any funds in a bank account
- Be a voting member of the SGA
- Be an active member as a student representative in one of CMI’s participatory governance committees
(e) Public Relations Officer
- Publicize the activities of the SGA through social media and email
- Serve as the liaison between SGA and the community
- Be a voting member of the SGA
- Be an active member as a student representative in one of CMI’s participatory governance committees
(f) Senator of Student Sports
- In cooperation with the Student Engagement Coordinator plan athletic events
- Insure athletic facilities and equipment are maintained
- Check out athletic equipment from the Student Engagement office
- Coordinate the release and return of sports equipment from department
- Be a voting member of the SGA
- Be an active member as a student representative in one of CMI’s participatory governance committees
- Serve as a liaison between the student clubs and the : responding to their input and advocating on their behalf
- Responsible for conducting meetings with the recognized representatives of all CMI clubs which are known as Navigator Leaders Council.
- Shall be responsible for keeping the SGA updated with activities and concerns of clubs.
- Shall be the keeper of the Club Handbook and updates by the last week of the academic
year. - Be a voting member of the SGA
- Be an active member as a student representative in one of CMI’s participatory governance committees.
(h) Senator of Resident Students
- Act as the formal representative of all the CMI Resident Students, acting on their behalf and responding to their input
- Serve as a liaison to represent the views and concerns of the Residents to the CMI community
- Assist on planning on campus activities and orientation amongst the Resident Students
- Shall be a voting member of the SGA
- Be an active member as a student representative in one of the CMI’s participatory governance committees
(i) Senator of Diversity
- Serve as a liaison to represent the views of Non-Traditional Student, International Students, and LGBTQ+
- Assist in planning on campus activities and events
- Shall be a voting member of the SGA
- Be an active member as a student representation in one of the CMI’s participatory governance committees
(j) Senator of Educational Departments
- Educational Departments include:
o Senator for Adult Basic Education Program
o Senator for Business Program
o Senator for Education Program
o Senator for Liberal Arts Program
o Senator for Nursing Program
o Senator for Vocational Programs - Report to their department club, the meeting minutes of the SGA meetings
- Serve as liaison between the departments and
- Be a voting member of the SGA
- Be an active member as a student representative in one of CMI’s participatory governance committees
- Shall host monthly office hours meeting with the program for gathering concerns and suggestions for their constituent base of field
- Set up a meeting with the Dean of Academic Affairs every two months to share concerns of the students
- Work to build relationships with the Department Chairs.
(k) Senator of Centers
- Centers Include:
i. Senator for Ebeye Center
ii. Senator for Jaluit Center
iii. Senator for Wotje Center - Report to their centers, the minutes of the SGA meetings
- Create semesterly general meetings with the centers for meetings
- Serve as liaison between the center and student council
- Be a voting member of the SGA
- Be an active member as a student representative in one of CMI’s participatory governance committees
Section 4.1: SGA Advisor
The Student Government Association Advisor will be led by the Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement. It is the duty of the advisor to guide the officers and the association to meet the college expectations and the student body as well. The advisor will not be a voting member of any decisions but will be a mentor to the SGA.
Article V: Voting Rights
Section 5.1: Voting members shall be:
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Public Relations Officer
- Senator for each Educational Departments (6)
- Senator of Student Sports
- Senator of Diversity
- Senator for Residence
- Senator of Clubs
- Senator for each Center (3)
Section 5.2: Non-voting members shall be:
- President of SGA
- Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement
- Student Ambassador representatives
- Student Club Representatives
Article VI: Meetings
Section 6.1a: Meeting times
- The General Assembly with the SGA shall be held three (3) times each semester.
- First Wednesday of each semester
- Before Mid-Term
- Second to last Wednesday of each semester
Section 6.1b: Quorum
No meeting of the shall be held unless a quorum ⅔ of its members is present. However, if no member cannot attend, someone from their respective organization can be a representative on their behalf. The General Assembly does not require a quorum.
Section 6.2: Notifications
- Members shall be notified in a timely manner, the Executive Secretary shall send out
meeting invite, agenda and previous minutes three (3) days prior to the scheduled
meeting. - All items to be listed on the Agenda for any meeting must be submitted to the Executive
Secretary by 11:00 am two (2) academic days prior to the scheduled meeting.
Section 6.3 Voting
- Voting at a meeting the majority of the SGA members shall constitute a quorum
consisting of simply ⅔ of its members for any action to be valid, proxy voting is not
permitted. - If a member does not attend the meeting, he/she/they will lose their voting privileges
unless they notify the council for a mailing vote privilege.
Section 6.4: Rules of Order
In the regular meetings members are not allowed to leave the meeting while in session, except for any emergency, unless you are excused. The Bylaw Committee shall regulate and control in accordance with these by-laws. There shall be no interruption and the meeting is led by the President, Vice President and/or Assoc. Dean of Equity and Engagement.
Article VII: Terms of Office
- All officers will serve for one academic year and/or two-year academic years unless removed for a cause.
- The term of office for each elected officer or representative from the student body shall be limited to one or two academic years and/or by requesting from each elected officer to work again for more term until graduation with approval of the Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement.
- This shall not prevent students from being re elected to the same successive terms of office or different positions or being appointed or elected to different positions in succeeding terms.
- If the President steps down or leaves his/her position, the Vice President shall step into office for the remainder of the academic year.
- If a vacancy occurs within the remainder of the Executive Officers, the position shall be filled for the remainder of the academic year by the person who received the next highest number of votes in the election for that position.
- If no such person is eligible, willing or available to serve, the shall make recommendations to the President who will appoint an interested student.
Article VIII: Executive Officer Remove from Office
- Any officer shall automatically be removed from office for failure to meet the qualifications for an Executive Officer.
- Any removed member shall be ineligible for any vacant positions and/or ineligible for the position being removed from.
- Upon recommendation of the Advisor and 2/3 vote of the Student Government Association.
- Resignation for personal reasons: SGA officers temporarily appoint new officer(s) for vacant position(s), until special elections are held.
Article IX: Vacancies or Impeachment between Elections for Executive Officers
- In the event of a vacancy or impeachment in the Office of the President between elections, the Vice President shall assume all duties and responsibilities of the Presidency.
- In the event of a vacancy or impeachment in an other Executive or Senate Position, upon recommendation of the advisor and ⅔ votes from members shall appoint, at their discretion and with approval of the , a qualified person to fill the vacancy. All candidates for the vacant positions must meet the minimum qualifications outlined in the Bylaws.
- A Senate member may be removed from office for just cause by an affirmative super majority vote of the. Whenever there appears to be sufficient cause for such action, the President shall give the member of the Senate immediate written notice of said cause. Consideration shall be given to such facts and reasons why the office should be declared vacant. The Senate member shall be afforded the opportunity to explain or refute the allegations. In the event that the Senate shall find the facts to be true, the Senate shall have the power to declare such office vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled in
accordance with the revisions for filling vacancies in office. - A Senate member wishing to appeal the decision of the Senate for the declaration of office vacancy may appear to a special Review Board led by the Election Committee. The SGA president shall appoint a member to serve as the non-voting chairperson of this board. The chairperson will then appoint five (5) unbiased students to serve as voting members of the Student Review Board to be approved by the Voting members. A written appeal must be made within one (1) week of the Senate action, to the Student Review Board and notice given to the Senate of such appeal. If the Student Review Board finds that the removal was unjustified, that person shall be reappointed to his/her official position within the Senate.
Article X: Standing Committee
Section 10.1: Bylaw Committee
- The function of the Bylaw Committee will be to conduct a review of the Bylaws at the beginning of each academic year. This review shall entail examining the documents for clarity, functionality and coherence with CMI’s mission. At the conclusion of this review, the Vice President shall make a report to the Senate outlining the Committee’s findings and the recommendations of the Committee.
- The purpose of the Bylaw Committee will be to review the bylaw at the beginning of each academic year.
- Members shall be four (4) officers of the student government: SGA Vice President, SGA Secretary, SGA Senator for Residence Halls, SGA Public Relations Officer.
- The Committee has the power to review and amend the Bylaws at any time deemed necessary.
- The Vice President shall serve as the chair of the By Laws Committee.
- The Bylaws Committee shall be created no later than eight (8) weeks from the beginning of the academic year.
Section 10.2: Activities Committee
- Chaired by the SGA President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations Officer, Senator of Student Sports, and Senator of Clubs.
- Members of the may be appointed if needed for assistance.
- Shall make up a monthly calendar, plan and carry out fundraising activities, and carry out social and other activities.
- Shall meet at the end of Summer semester to plan a year activity plans.
- Shall be responsible for sending events to staff in charge of the CMI website:
- Shall be responsible to send out calendar events to the CMI Communication Officer for the Jilel News.
Section 10.3: Election Committee
- Members shall be one representative from each department.
- Members of the committee shall be appointed by the Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement and SGA President.
- Hold General Assembly meeting on April in discussion of elections and nominations.
- Shall meet one (1) week before end of Spring Semester and one (1) month prior of May.
- Create a nomination process that involves student body, staff and faculty.
- Election process will exclude staff and faculty from voting.
Section 10.4 Budget Committee
- Chaired by the Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement and SGA Treasurer and SGA President.
- The committee is responsible for distributing funding and managing the SGA Budget.
- Will provide regular updates during meetings.
- Maintain records of allocated funds.
Article XI: Elections
- Regular elections shall be held the 2nd Friday of May with results becoming effective at the time of the election. This may be opted for rescheduling in the occurrence of other events that take immediate priority.
- Special elections shall be held when an office becomes vacant during the school year.
- Program representatives must be registered students within their respective programs and may be in any semester of study.
- Elections for the positions of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Secretary, Senators for Departments (Liberal Arts, Nursing, Education, and Business), Senator for Sports Coordinator, Senator for Residence Halls, and Senator of Non-Traditional Students.
- Current elected officers will have to rerun for their positions’ or other new positions for the new term.
- Polls for all elections shall be open for at least ten (10) business days for a minimum of six hours each day prior to the regular election date.
- Once polls close, the Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement will work jointly to
publish the following information to the student body email:- Email to the student body notifying of the election. The email will include the winning candidates for each position.
- The percentage of votes that each candidate received, per election race.
- The percentage of votes that each candidate received, per election race.
- Any student(s) deny their positions, the position will be offered to the next highest voted candidate. However, if all candidates do not accept the position, the position will be advertised again for nominations, elections.
- Within ten (10) business days of poll closure, individual candidates who ran in an
election may request the exact number of votes that they received.
Article XII: Clubs
Section 12.1: Recognition of a New Club
- The Senator of Clubs will submit the club requests forms and bylaws to the Vice President for Bylaw Review. The Vice President has one (1) academic week to review and render a decision as to the compliance of the documents.
- To create a new club, the interested student(s) must submit New Club Registration to SGA with required supporting documents which must be approved by the SGA President and the Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement, with the review and recommendations from the Vice President.
- All student clubs and organizations must be recognized by SGA in order to function as a registered club on campus. In order to start a club, students must meet all the requirements to start a club. These requirements are:
- Must have President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer officers established. (Clubs may have more officers)
- Find a club Advisor. Reminder: Advisor signature is required to club approval
- Submit the following documents:
- New Student Club Registration Form.
- Club Constitution and Bylaws
- Upon SGA club approval, officers and advisors must attend a new club orientation. Orientations are offered throughout the year for only new clubs. Specific dates and times will be announced at the beginning of each semester.
- Have at least ten registered CMI students interested in participating in the club.
- Clubs that were established before must fill out the Club Renewal Form. Please follow the instructions below:
- Fill out the Club Renewal Form and Club Constitution & Bylaws, and Calendar.
- Must have President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer established.
- Find Advisor
- Must attend Club Orientation. Club Orientation is MANDATORY in order for the club to be active.
Section 12.2: Club Requirements
- Within four (4) academic weeks at the beginning of each semester, clubs are required to submit the following materials to the Senator of Clubs: membership form, faculty or professional staff advisor’s signature, and any other requirement forms from SGA.
- Clubs must have two representatives in attendance at all () general meetings, and those representatives must remain from the opening (call to order) through the official end of new business. One (1) unexcused absence shall count as a warning for the club. Each club shall be allowed three (3) unexcused absences each semester.
- At the end of each semester, each club needs to submit an End of Semester Report describing the activities they have done. This report must be signed by the club’s advisor. Each club must also submit their club bylaws, calendars, and membership form if any changes have been made. If no changes have been made, that shall be noted on the club’s End of Semester Report. All of which is provided in the club renewal forms in the club handbook.
- The above club documents can be found in the Club Handbook along with other guidelines that SGA recognized clubs and organizations using funds from SGAs are required to follow.
Section 12.3: Inactive and Probation Status
- A club will be considered on probation if it fails to meet any of the club requirements (See Article 12, Section 1).
- If a club is considered on probation, or is found to have behaved illegally, the club budget account will be frozen. This means that the club will no longer have access to their club account, nor will they be able to request additional funding from SGA. The club will still be recognized by SGA and is free to fundraise.
- In order to reclaim active status and access to their account, the club must write an appeal letter. The club will still be considered on probation for the remainder of that semester for not following these requirements, but shall not be subject to disbandment without any further violations.
- If a club has been found inactive, all accounts will be frozen and the club will be subject to disbandment for the duration of one academic year.
Section 12.4: Club Disbandment
- If at the end of the semester, a club is still on probation, the Senate shall vote on disbandment, requiring a 2/3 majority vote to disband.
- If a club voluntarily disbands, the club must meet with all members of the active club for a vote. After the decision has been made, the club must notify the SGA Senate for review.
Article XIII: Finance
- All financial transactions shall be deposited in a current account in the name of the Student Services – Student Government Association.
- All clubs who wish to receive funding must meet the requirements and deadlines notified by the Student Government Association. Failing to meet requirements and deadlines will result in denial of funding.
- Clubs that are approved for the funding are required to attend the necessary meetings that
involve financial training led by SGA and Assoc. Dean of Equity and Engagement. - There shall be two trustees who should oversee the budget; one of whom shall be the Student Government Association Treasurer and the Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement.
- A report of the budget shall be reported to the council each semester for review.
- Any SGA revenue and unused funds shall revert back to the General Fund of the SGA at the end of summer semester specifically at the end of fiscal year deadline provided by FABS department, with the exception of club revenue.
- Club revenue: profit made of fundraisers, donations etc.
- The Student Government Association will be provided with a fund of $3,000 from the General Fund of the college separate from the Student Activities Fees, this fund will be used for team building activities and SGA leadership development activities.
- Compensation:
- $3/hr x 20hr per week for all 17 SGA representatives with an exception of surpassing 20 hr a week to 30 hr per week during events, approved by the advisor.
- Due to high responsibilities and more duties the SGA President will get $5.50/hr x 20hr per week with an exception of surpassing 20 hr a week to 30 hr per week during events, approved by the advisor.
SGA Approval Date March 29, 2021
EC Approval Date September 1, 2021