Staff Senate


Article I - Organizational Name

The organization shall be known as College of the Marshall Islands Staff Senate.

Article II - Purpose

  1. To promote professionalism among the staff, faculty, students and administration of the college.
  2. To communicate staff perspective in decision making processes of the college;
  3. To provide a forum in which the diverse staff can work together to promote their common interest, needs and concerns, to create a stronger bond within the staff;
  4. To enhance communication between staff, faculty, students and administration;
  5. To seek and negotiate for funds and other resources for the development of the staff members that will serve to enhance the betterment of the College.

Article III - Staff Senate's Authority

The authority of the Staff Senate is based on the need  for appropriate shared responsibility and cooperative action among the components of the College of the Marshall Islands, and the accreditation rules of the Western Association of colleges, the Staff Senate is authorized to consider any subject pertaining to the staff and its interests in the College of the Marshall Islands, and to make recommendations to the CMI President, and to the Executive Council in regard thereto. Decisions of the Staff Senate with respect to matters within its jurisdiction shall be binding.

ROLE: The Staff Senate’s role in the governance of the College of the Marshall Islands shall be solely and entirely the responsibility of the College of the Marshall Islands Staff Senate. To this end, all matters of member input in decision making, or any need for the member involvement in the operation of the College of the Marshall Islands shall be channeled through the Staff Senate’s regular meetings. On any matter, if input is solicited from an individual staff member, even if the person is a member of the Staff Senate, it shall not be considered as the input of/from the Staff Senate as a whole. Only the Staff Senate may authorize a member to advise or assist on behalf of the group. Any use of member input that has not been approved by the Staff Senate will not be considered as the Staff Senate’s input, and will simply be considered as an individual input to the Administration.

Article IV - Rights and Responsibilities of the Staff Senate

The Staff Senate shall have the rights and responsibilities in the governance of the College of the Marshall Islands.

  1. Shall be represented in all the College Standing Committees or any other that may deem necessary.
  2. Shall represent on behalf of individual members on matters related to disciplinary performance where representation is required.
  3. Shall have the right to vote in each College Standing Committee meeting.
  4. Shall be responsible to voice queries of the Staff Senate in all decision making processes of the college.

Article V - Membership and Organization

  1. Membership: Members of this organization shall consist of Non-Faculty employees whether permanent full-time, part-time or on special contract.
  2. Organization. The organization shall comprise the Executive Committee, the General Membership and Staff Senate Committees.
  3. Executive Committee. There is an established Executive Committee composed of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The executive committee shall be responsible for the administration and the day to day function of the organization.
  4. Committees. There shall be ad hoc committees established to meet the college needs. Such committees are;
      • Finance Committee
      • Planning & Coordination Committee consist of (program,entertainment,welcoming, & set up decoration
      •  Food Committee
      • Culture & Traditions Committee
      • Professional Development/Mentoring Committee
      • Internal Affairs Committee
      • Ajmour Committee
      • Safety Committee VI. General Meeting. The General Meeting shall comprise of all the members of the organization and shall be responsible for setting the general policy directions of the organization.

Article VI - Officer

TERM OF OFFICE. The officers of the organization shall be elected at the beginning of the school year or August, after 2 years. Each officer shall serve for a term two year or shall relinquish office upon the election of their successors.


Duties of the President

  1. The President shall preside over all meetings and shall serve as chair of the Executive Committee.
  2. with other officers to draw up an agenda before each scheduled meetings;
  3. Greet visitors and new members and introduce guest speakers;
  4. Keep a file containing all the minutes of the meetings, also include reports and a list of the officers and members;
  5. Represent the Staff Senate at all the Executive
    Council meetings.

Duties of the Vice-President

  1. The Vice President shall act as the President during the absence of the president;
  2. Represent the Staff Senate at all the Executive Council Meetings;
  3. Meet with the Staff Senate to draw up an agenda before each meeting

Duties of the Secretary

  1. The secretary shall prepare minutes of all meetings, and distribute copies within three (3) days prior to each meeting;
  2. Notify members of time and place of each meeting;
  3. Keep a file containing all the minutes of the meetings, also include reports and a list of the officers and members;
  4. Post all meeting minutes on CMI website.

Duties of the Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matter of the organization;
  2. Meet with Senate officers at the time of agenda planning;
  3. Prepare monthly financial reports;
  4. Shall Chair the Staff Senate Finance Committee

Article VII - Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet during the 1st Monday of every month at 10:00am. If not, then any day within the first week of each month as it may be decided.


No meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held unless a quorum of three (3) members of the Executive Committee is present.

Meeting of the General Membership

A meeting of the general membership shall be held during the first Monday of every month at 10:00am provided, however, that the Executive Committee or the general membership may call for more frequent meetings at such times or places that the Executive Committee or general membership may decide.

Article VIII - Voting

25 percent (25%) or more of the memberships shall constitute for the purpose of transacting business.

Article IX - Election

Election of the offices shall be held at the first General Meeting in each calendar year.

Conduct of Elections – Election of offices shall be by secret ballot, and shall be carried out by a majority vote of the members present and voting.

Article X - Finances

Financial Record – The Treasurer shall maintain a ledger of finances of the organization and in this respect shall keep adequate and correct accounts of its transactions and financial activities. All such books and accounts shall be kept in the possession of the Treasurer.

Authority to expend funds. The executive committee shall determine the appropriate use of funds provided for the operation of the organization, subject to any direction of the contrary by the General meeting. All expenditures by the organization must be authorized by the President, or in her absence the Vice-President, and the Treasurer. (Funds are provided by the College)

Article XI - Amendments

Amendments to Bylaws. These bylaws may be proposed for amendment at any General Meeting. The amendment shall be passed or accepted by a two-thirds vote of all members at presence and voting in the meeting – provided however, prior written notice of such amendment has been given to the Staff Senate’s Executive Committee and each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting, in which such amendment shall be voted.

Article XII - Adoption of Bylaws

This revised By-Law was introduced to the Staff Senate organization and approved during the meeting held on TBA at the CMI Conference room.

Article XIII - Amendments

Amendments to Bylaws. These bylaws may be proposed for amendment at any General Meeting of by a two-thirds vote of all members present and voting, provided, however, prior written notice of such amendment has been given to the Executive Committee and each member at leas two weeks prior to the meeting in which such amendment shall be voted.

Article XIV - Adoption of Bylaws

This revised BY-Law was introduced to the Staff Senate organization and approved during the meeting held on Wednesday, September 07, 2016 at the CMI Conference room.

Representation to the College Standing Committee:
Any representative to the College Standing Committees that miss 3 meeting without notice will be replaced and re-elect new representatives.

Staff Senate Representatives

Group SS Representative Alternate Rep
Executive Council (EC)
Ruthy Maun
Vise President and other staff senate officers
Information Technology Comititeee (ITC)
Lucinda Peter
Andreas Ned
Talei Savu
Johnny John
Plant & Facilities Committee
Lanie Unlayao
Rinton Kios
Lisa Jeeran
Lakije Edmond
Dustin Langidrik
Verenaisi Bavadra
Reformed Accreditation Steering Panel
Meria Bollong
Lorie Arieta

When the SSP is unable to attend EC meetings or other activities, the alternate Staff Senate Representative to EC will be appointed solely by the SSP. When a representative is unable to attend, he or she must inform the SSP and their alternate as soon as possible. Each representative is responsible for ensuring that a qualified individual attends each meeting where a Staff Senate is required.

Staff Bylaw (English & Marshall Translation)

Minutes of Meetings