The Learning Environment and Academic Policy Committee engages stakeholders in the college learning environment to make policy and procedural recommendations related to instructional programs to the Executive Council. The committee advises deans, associate deans, and department chairs on improvements to the learning environment and strengthens communication between faculty, students, and academic administrators. As a majority faculty committee, LEAP strengthens faculty’s collective ownership of the learning environment.
The specific responsibilities of the LEAP committee include but are not limited to:
- Developing surveys and other instruments for gathering feedback from students, faculty, and other stakeholders on the learning environment.
- Reviewing survey results relevant to the learning environment and making recommendations on the basis of these results.
- Reviewing and recommending educational policies including academic standards, awarding of credit, and grading.
- Ensuring that students at all CMI locations have equitable and appropriate access to learning support.
- Reviewing the progress of the Learning and Teaching Rebbelip.
- Reviewing how the institution meets ACCJC Standard II.A for compliance and continuous improvement.
The LEAP Committee reports to the Executive Council. The Dean of Academic Affairs is the convening officer and chairperson of the LEAP Committee. The Dean of WAVES is the vice chair.
The Secretariat shall prepare minutes of the meetings and ensure they are posted to the college website within two weeks of approval.
Membership of the LEAP Committee shall consist of:
- Dean of Academic Affairs
- Dean of WAVES
- Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
- Associate Dean of Learning Support
- Associate Dean of Instructional Quality and Innovation
- One student services representative
- One faculty representative from each instructional department
- Two SBA representatives
The committee will meet year round once a month, on the fourth Thursday of every month at 11:10 a.m. The chairperson shall call special meetings of the committee whenever necessary. A simple majority of members shall constitute a quorum; any vacant positions shall not be counted towards the number of members required to meet quorum. All motions will pass with a simple majority of the members present or by electronic voting within two business days. The chairperson will only vote in case of a tie. The LEAP Committee will assess its effectiveness annually. At the beginning of each academic year, the LEAP Committee shall share its assessment and recommended remedial action.
The Learning Environment and Academic Policy Committee is constituted in accordance with Section 620.01 of CMI’s General Administrative Policies.
Approved by LSC on September 9, 2022
Approved by EC on October 5, 2022