Curriculum Committee


The Curriculum Committee oversees creation of new courses and academic outcomes, review of, and changing or archiving existing courses. It oversees and updates existing courses within a program that are consistent with the ducational goals of the College. The Curriculum Committee approves proposed courses, program sheets, and course sequencing submitted by department chairs; maintains records of existing and archived courses and programs; and submits signed course outlines and program documents to the relevant Dean and the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs for further approval, and keeps the Faculty Senate apprised of all actions of the Committee. New or substantively changed programs must be approved by the Board of Regents.


This is a standing committee of the College. It reports to the Executive Council through the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. It is made up of all of the Academic Department chairs, General Education Chair, Vocational and ABE Chairs, two faculty members chosen from the academic programs and WAVES, by the Committee for their interest or knowledge, the degree auditor from Student Services, Registrar, Director of Library Services, and Dean of Academic Affairs. Also included in the membership, all as ex-officio, non-voting members, are the Dean of WAVES, the Vice-President of Academic and Student Affairs, a representative from Institutional Research, the Director of Financial Aid, and a Student Government Association Representative. The Student Government Association will choose the Student Government Representative and an alternate who must maintain a GPA of at least 2.5. The Curriculum Committee normally meets during Fall and Spring Semester, but it does not meet during academic vacations or holidays; however, special meetings may be called during Summer Semester and at other times as necessary.


Regular Meetings: Regular meetings shall be held on the first and third Monday of every month at the appointed college hour
Special Meetings: Special Meetings may be called by the Chair or the Vice Chair of the Curriculum Committee as he/she may deem necessary.


The Committee will be reconstituted at the beginning of each academic year:


  • A Chair and Vice Chair will be selected from the voting Committee membership. Only teaching faculty are eligible to be Chair and Vice Chair.
  • The Recording Secretary shall be the Participatory Governance Secretariat.
  • A CC Course Outline Editor shall be selected from the Committee membership.
  • The Dean of Academic Affairs schedules meetings and presides as Chair Pro-Tempore until the CC Chair has been chosen.
  • In the absence of the CC Chair, the CC Vice Chair shall preside at meetings.
  • A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting Committee membership.
  • Motions will be passed by more than 50% of those present and voting, or a majority of the voting membership if voting electronically.
  • The Committee shall report to the Executive Council through the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
  • The Committee provides for inspection of all approved Curriculum Documents, Minutes, Reports, and Procedures to the College Community.
The Committee shall make all curriculum documents available to the faculty for comment prior to approval in order to allow for collective ownership over the design and improvement of the learning experience per ACCJC Standard II.A.2. The Committee shall publish the minutes and actions via the internet in a timely manner following approval. At the beginning of each academic year, the CC shall share its assessment and recommended remedial action. CC shall also maintain, review, and revise the Curriculum Manual to document all curricular templates and processes, subject to the approval of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.


Section 620.01 of the College General Administrative Policies provides that: The Curriculum Committee be a standing committee.

Revised and Approved by Curriculum Committee September 5, 2022
Approved by Executive Council September 7, 2022

Curriculum Manual

Click here to view all committee RSA