Developmental Education


The mission of the Developmental Education Department is to develop students’ abilities necessary for success in college credit programs. The main areas of focus are English reading, writing, listening, speaking, and student engagement. The completion of developmental education courses will facilitate students’ competencies in college level courses, in addition to providing for lifelong learning success.

(Accepted by CC March 5, 2018)

Developmental English

Purpose of the Program & Content

The Developmental Education Department provides a program for students who aspire to a college education, but do not yet have the English language and student engagement skills necessary for college level-work. The Developmental Education Program helps students develop the skill level necessary for a successful college experience and holistic growth as a college student and as an adult.

The department offers two levels of Developmental English focusing in areas of Reading & Writing and Listening & Speaking. In addition to preparation for college, the department takes the responsibility of preparing students on how to be successful college students through the First Year Experience course.

In response to the college administration’s challenge in 2017 to improve CMI’s completion and graduation rate, the Developmental Education Department redesigned its course structures to offer regular and accelerated course sequences for students.  Additionally, the departmental faculty offer academic coaching and student advising to assist students in achieving academic success.

The Developmental Education Department offers two formats for completing the two-course Developmental English sequence, i.e., Level 2 English (ENG 086 & ENG 087) and Level 3 (ENG 096 & ENG 097):

  • Regular format:  The class times follow CMI’s regular class schedule and is 16 weeks for Fall/Spring semesters and 8 weeks for Summer semester.
  • Accelerated format:  The class times are extended so that the course can be completed in 8 weeks in Fall/Spring and 4 weeks in Summer.

All CMI students must take the First Year Experience course (CMI 101).  The purpose of the course is to promote students’ academic and personal success by introducing them to: 

  • Campus resources, especially in the area of Student Services and Academic Support
  • CMI’s degree programs and career/transfer options
  • Communicating more effectively
  • Successful student habits such as time management, organization, goal-setting, and study skills

The Developmental Education Department offers two types of in-house student support:

Advising:  Developmental Education Faculty serve as academic advisors to developmental education students.  The faculty guide students in progressing through their developmental education course sequence and counsel them on academic-related issues that impede their success.  Using the Early Alert System, faculty utilize feedback on students’ participation in their courses to advise students in how to improve their student habits as it relates to academic success.

Academic Coaching:  For students who need additional academic support, the Developmental Education faculty offer professional academic coaching.  Coaching sessions can be one-on-one or in small groups.  When needed, students can request to use the academic coaching room as a quiet study space.  Coaching usually focuses on helping students with specific assignments; however, coaches can also assist students with organization, time-management, and other academic-related issues.

The Developmental Education Faculty are a group of diverse professionals from around the world, with content expertise in teaching English in a second language context.  The faculty promote professional development, work-life balance, collegiality, and creating a supportive environment for students, faculty, and the CMI community by engaging in a variety of activities such as:

  • Contributing a high degree of institutional service
  • Engaging in curriculum and pedagogical discussion groups
  • Evaluating departmental courses and program
  • Participating in faculty mentoring
  • Fundraising for departmental student scholarship
  • Hosting potlucks to welcome (and say farewell to) departmental faculty
  • Creating a festive department atmosphere during the holidays

Developmental Courses Requirements

Level 2 English
3 Credits
ENG 086 - Intermediate Academic Listening and Speaking

Prerequisite: English Placement

Prepares students to function in an academic context where English is the language of instruction and learning. This intermediate course focuses on comprehension of lectures, participation in classroom discussions, and presentation skills.

4 Credits
ENG 087 – Intermediate Academic Reading and Writing

Prerequisite: English Placement

This course prepares students with an intermediate level of skills for academic reading and writing. Emphasis is on building the intermediate level of academic and content vocabulary through reading and writing. Students will interpret relationships between words and ideas, improve reading comprehension, and write multi-paragraph pieces. relationships between words and ideas, improve reading comprehension and write multi-paragraph pieces.

Level 3 English
3 Credits
ENG 096 – Advanced Academic Listening and Speaking

Prerequisite: ENG 080s or ENG Placement Into 090s

Provides advanced instruction in oral and aural English skills designed to prepare students for college credit courses. Emphasizes listening comprehension, note-taking skills, as well as oral proficiency at an academic level of complexity.

4 Credits
ENG 097 - Introduction to Academic Reading & Writing

Prerequisite: ENG 080s or ENG Placement Into 090s

This course prepares students for credit-level academic reading and writing. Facilitates appropriate strategies for improving reading comprehension and critical reading skills for success in academic reading. Develops writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills needed for success in college courses.Emphasizes the development of organizational and rhetorical strategies students may use as they engage in academic essay writing.

First Year Experience
3 Credits
CMI 101 - First Year Seminar

Co-requisite: ENG 80’s or higher

Introduces students to higher education and first year college experiences to better prepare students to be successful in their college careers.  Emphasis is placed on acquiring skills for college work.  Students also are introduced to college resources to learn how to effectively take advantage of those resources.

Source Sequencing

Semester 1 of 2
Level 2
No.of Credits
ENG 086: Intermediate Academic Listening & Speaking
ENG 087: Intermediate Academic Reading and Writing
MATH or ICS 101
CMI 101: First Year Seminar
Total: 13 Credits
Semester 2 of 2
Level 3
No.of Credits
ENG 096: Advanced Academic Listening & Speaking
ENG 097: Introduction to Advanced Academic Reading & Writing
CMI 101: First Year Seminar / MAR
Total: 13 Credits
Accelerated English
Level 2/Level 3
Semester 1 of 1
ENG 086: Intermediate Academic Listening & Speaking
ENG 087: Intermediate Academic Reading and Writing
ENG 096: Advanced Academic Listening & Speaking
ENG 097: Introduction to Advanced Academic Reading & Writing
CMI 101: First Year Seminar
Total: 17 Credits
Level 3/Credit
Semester 1 of 1
ENG 096: Advanced Academic Listening & Speaking
ENG 097: Introduction to Advanced Academic Reading & Writing
ENG 105: Fundamentals of Speech
ENG 111: English Composition I
CMI 101: First Year Seminar
Total: 16 Credits


  • If CMI 101 is taken in Regular Level 2 courses and passed, it will not be taken in the next level
  • ICS 101 can only be taken along with Level 3 ENG

Redesign: Regular vs Accelerated Structure

The Developmental Education Department offers two structures for completing the two-course Developmental English course sequence, i.e., Level 2 English (ENG 086 & ENG 087) and Level 3 (ENG 096 & ENG 099):

Regular structure (16 weeks in Fall/Spring; 8 weeks in Summer)
For this structure, two courses at the same level (e.g., ENG 086 and ENG 087; ENG 096 and ENG 097) are completed in a 16-week semester.

Level 2 Developmental English Placement (ENG 086 & ENG 087), it will take two 16-week semesters (i.e., 32 weeks total) to complete Developmental English

Semester 1 of 2: ENG 086 & ENG 087 (16 weeks)
Semester 2 of 2: ENG 96 & ENG 097 (16 weeks)

Level 3 Developmental English Placement (ENG 096 & ENG 099), it will take one 16-week semester (i.e., 16 weeks total) to complete Developmental English

 Semester 1 of 1: ENG 96 & ENG 097 (16 weeks)

Accelerated structure (8 weeks in Fall/Spring; 4 weeks in Summer)
Fall/Spring:  Students complete two same-level courses in the first 8 weeks; followed by two more courses at the subsequent level in the second 8 weeks.

Level 2 Accelerated English:

Semester 1 of 1:

First 8 weeks; ENG 086 and ENG 087
Second 8 weeks: ENG 096 and ENG 097

Level 3 Accelerated English:

Semester 1 of 1

First 8 weeks: ENG 096 and ENG 097
Second 8 weeks: ENG 111 and ENG 105 (introductory credit-level English courses)

Summer:  The Summer Accelerated is comprised of the same course structures as Fall/Spring, but it takes 4 weeks to complete the first level of courses and 4 weeks to complete the second level.  Because of the intensive nature of the Summer Accelerated English, additional support is offered.  This support may include embedded professional tutors and residence hall living-learning experience.

Accelerated Safety Net: Students who are unsuccessful in the first 8 weeks of the Accelerated English will be transferred to a regular parallel level.

Program Learning Outcomes

Developmental Studies is divided into a two-tiered program. The second level of the Developmental Studies Program meets two and a half hours every day of the week. Subjects at this level include: Reading/Writing, Speaking/Listening, Mathematics, and First Year Experience (CMI 101). The third level also meets five days a week for English skills classes in 75-minute periods, math classes in 75-minute periods four days a week, and includes a choice from a list of elective classes.

Upon completion of Developmental Education courses, students will in their credit courses be able to:

  • Dev Ed Listening Skills – Understand lectures and class discussions with focus on academic purposes
  • Dev Ed Oral Communication – Communicate clearly and effectively in a variety of academic settings
  • Dev Ed Written Communications – Employ the writing process to produce compositions with unity and coherence
  • Dev Ed Reading Comprehension – Apply and relate content from academic reading texts
  • Dev Ed Study Skills – Use appropriate study skills to learn effectively
  • Dev Ed Resources – Access college resources

(Approved February  2017)


Seru, Jennifer

DevEd Department Chair 
M.Ed.,, University of the South Pacific
P.G.DipEd., University of the South Pacific
B.A., Geography, University of the South Pacific
Cert. in GIS., University of the South Pacific
Cert. in Teaching., Lautoka Teachers College


Bojos, Rosalie

PhD in Education in English Language, Cebu Normal University, Philippines
MA in English, University of Bohol
BSec Education, Bohol Institute of Technology, 
BA English, Bohol Institute Technology
PCOE, University of Wiscon-Maddison


Savu, Silipa

M.Ed., Education, University of the South Pacific
Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, University of South Pacific
Certification in Teaching English as Second Language, University of South Pacific
Post-Graduate Certificates in Education, University of South Pacific
B.A., Linguistics/History Politics, University of South Pacific


Maitokana, Gade

M.A. Applied Linguistics, Griffith University (Aust.)
B.Ed., University of the South Pacific (Fiji)
Dip. Ed., Fiji College of Advanced Education (Fiji)


Osborne, Karalaini

M.Ed. University of the South Pacific, Suva
B.A. English, University of the South Pacifi


Sinkey, David

Ed.D. in Educational Leadership & Management, Capella University, USA (ABD)
M.Ed. in ESOL, North Central University, Arizona, USA 
Certified Educational Chanie Manaier, Prosci Training, Dubai 
IELTS Examiner Training, #988473 (2014)
TEFL Certificate (120 hour), Kamala Language School, Phuket, Thailand (2009)
B.A. in History / Minor in Education, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska USA (1989) 


Poquita, Jennifer

M.A. in English Teaching, Holy Name University, Philippines
M.A. in Teaching Mathematics, Cebu Technological University, Philippines
M.Ed in SPED. Cebu Technological University, Philippines
M.A. in Educational Administration, Bohol Island State University, Philippines
B.A. in Elementary Education, Master Dei College, Bohol, Philippines
Diploma in SPED, Cebu Technological University, Philippines


Sidal, Ronald

M.Ed. University of the South Pacific, Suva
Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership – USP, Suva
B.Sc. Elementary Education, BYU, Hawaii
A.A. in SOcial Science, BYU, Hawaii
