The process for making a complaint depends on who you are and the nature of your complaint.
- If you have a grade complaint, please talk with your instructor and/or their department chair first. If you cannot resolve the complaint, you can file a formal appeal by completing this form and providing it to the dean responsible for your program (Rigieta Lord for WAVES program, Edward Alfonso for Academic Affairs programs). Your appeal will be heard by a committee chaired by the Dean and consisting of one faculty member from within the department and one faculty member outside the department.
- If you have a Title IX complaint (for issues related to gender-based discrimination), you have a number of options. The Title IX Coordinator, Meyar Laukon, can support you in making your decision. These are your options:
- Emergency Removal: if the student respondent poses an immediate threat to the health and safety of the community, the college can take immediate actions necessary to remove the respondent to ensure safety of the CMI community. In case of an immediate threat, the security team can remove an individual from campus. If a student needs to be suspended or banned from returning to campus prior to a disciplinary proceeding, this should be approved by the president.
- No resolution option: You have the choice not to move forward with any option. Note that if you do not want resolution, you can still be connected to resources, and you can still be provided with Supportive Measures from the Title IX Coordinator.
- Informal Resolution Option: If both parties agree, informal resolution may occur under appropriate circumstances. Informal resolutions may be guided conversations, mediation facilitated by a trained mediator, and/or voluntary changes to either or both party’s work or class schedules, on-campus activities, or student housing arrangements.
- If you still file a complaint but under confidentiality, the college will not take disciplinary action against the accused however, the college can take other measures to ensure any misconduct to the respondent and prevent any recurrence.
- Formal Resolution: Formal Resolution includes an investigation by an impartial and unbiased investigator. The Investigator will create a report of the investigation findings, evidence, and any other forms.
- Legal Resolution: Individuals are welcome to pursue resolution within the legal system either with or without pursuing resolution through the CMI process.
- Emergency Removal: if the student respondent poses an immediate threat to the health and safety of the community, the college can take immediate actions necessary to remove the respondent to ensure safety of the CMI community. In case of an immediate threat, the security team can remove an individual from campus. If a student needs to be suspended or banned from returning to campus prior to a disciplinary proceeding, this should be approved by the president.
- For any other complaints, or if you’re not sure where your complaint fits, you should complete the Student Complaint Form. If the complaint relates to instruction, the form should go to the dean responsible for the program. Otherwise, it should go to the Dean of Student Success. If you need help or aren’t sure, please talk to the Student Advocates or to your campus director or center coordinator.
- Please follow the guidelines in the Human Resources Policy & Procedure Manual.
General Public
- Members of the general public wishing to make a complaint are encouraged to address the issue initially with the department or individual involved. Formal complaints can be made using the public complaint form.