The much awaited Jaluit DEC Library was opened by the new CMI President on 2nd June, 2020 during the ABE Class of 2020 Graduation. The library building itself, the bookshelves, newspaper and magazine racks were designed and built by Kenneth Fernando, the Center Coordinator with his team of helpers from Jabor, Jaluit with off-site guidance by CMI’s Physical Director Emil and his team. This says a lot for Kenneth’s determination to make the library a reality not only for the CMI Jaluit Center but also for the surrounding community members on Jaluit.
The CMI Library Team assisted with resourcing the library and a much needed assistance from the US Embassy in RMI who had two of their Embassy representatives present at the Opening. The US Embassy donated a computer and two boxes of books for the Jaluit Library. The library users of CMI students (ABE and credit levels) will also be able to access all Online resources shared through the CMI website.