Academics Elementary Education

Teaching with Curriculum Materials

EDU 416 – Teaching with Curriculum Materials

Completion of AS or AA degree from an accredited institution
Completion of all 300 level BAEE classes Or Permission of instructor

Equips teachers with strategies and materials for engaging elementary students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking integrated throughout the content areas. The RMI PSS curricula will be examined and enhanced through a comparison with a variety of professional sources.
Academics Elementary Education

Classroom Management II

EDU 341 – Classroom Management II

Completion of AS or AA degree from the College of the Marshall Islands or acceptance to the CMI BAEE degree.

Develops choices and skills that extend knowledge of the scope of classroom management. Students will examine a number of strategies and approaches to help elementary teachers and their students develop a learning community.
Academics Elementary Education

Elementary Mathematics II

EDU 325 – Elementary Mathematics II

C or better in EDU 324

Provides students with knowledge of effective approaches to teaching whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages, geometry, measurement, probability, and statistics. Includes strategies for supporting student learning through the use of manipulatives and teaching strategies to accommodate diverse learners. Second of two courses in mathematics methods to prepare students as teachers of mathematics.
Academics Elementary Education

Elementary Mathematics I

EDU 324 – Elementary Mathematics I

Completion of AS or AA degree from the CMI Or Admittance to CMI BAEE degree.

Provides students with knowledge of effective approaches to teaching whole numbers, geometry, and measurement. Includes teaching strategies to accommodate diverse learners. First of two courses in mathematics methods and content to prepare students as teachers of mathematics.

Elementary Science

EDU 323 – Elementary Science

Completion of AS or AA degree from the College of the Marshall Islands Or Admittance to CMI BAEE degree

Provides the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable students to successfully provide elementary learners with the foundations necessary to become scientifically literate. Stresses strategies to guide elementary learners to be involved in a dynamic cycle of observing, exploring, testing, and forming generalizations or conclusions.

Academics Elementary Education

Elementary Social Studies

EDU 322 – Elementary Social Studies

Completion of AS or AA degree from the College of the Marshall Islands Or Acceptance to CMI BAEE degree

Examines a variety of social studies models, methods, materials, and evaluation. Emphasis on developing children’s world knowledge, skills, self-concept, citizenship, inquiry and values. Investigates the connected, complex and changing issues we face as global citizens while collaborating to find effective and appropriate ways to help elementary level students understand and cope with these issues.

Literacy and Literature II

EDU 314 – Literacy and Literature II

C or better in EDU 313

Develops teacher candidates as writers so that they may apply their experiences to engage elementary students in the writing process. Second of a two-semester course on language, literacy and literature. Continue to plan, teach, assess, and reflect on language, literacy and literature skills with an emphasis on writing process and strategies across the K-6 curriculum.

Academics Elementary Education

Literacy and Literature I

EDU 313 – Literacy and Literature I

Completion of AS or AA degree from the College of the Marshall Islands Or Admittance to CMI BAEE degree

Examines current theory and methods for providing a text-rich environment and quality children’s literature in the curriculum. First of a two-semester course on language, literacy, and literature. Focuses on assessing reading progress and supporting children’s growth and development as readers in K-6 classrooms.

Academics Elementary Education

Foundations in Curriculum and Instruction

EDU 312 – Foundations in Curriculum and Instruction

Completion of AS or AA degree from the College of the Marshall Islands Or Admittance to CMI BAEE Degree

Reviews current issues in education and curriculum development. Contributes to the development of the teacher candidate’s professional knowledge, dispositions, and skills. The Public School System (PSS) Curriculum will be examined.

Ethics and Organizational Governance

ETH 300 – Ethics and Organizational Governance


Completion of an AA or AS degree from an accredited institution
Or Permission of Instructor
Promotes awareness of key concepts and theoretical models used to analyze personal, public, and organizational ethics in various contexts of governance. Attention is given to the design and application of culturally sensitive methodologies in decision-making processes and their fit with best practice within the purview of the law. Examines fundamental areas of ethical concern in organizations and the oversight practices using regulations. Explores various roles and responsibilities within formal and social dimensions of organizations.