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August 22 New Student Registration begins
August 29 Classes start - contact your instructors for details

Survey of American Literature

ENG 212 - Survey of American Literature

C or better in ENG 112 or Permission of Instructor

Examines a wide view of the periods of American literature and of the geographic, social, and historic events which influenced its development.

Children’s Literature

ENG 211 - Children’s Literature

C or better in ENG 111 and ENG 105

Designed to provide students with a foundation in children’s literature and literacy processes. Examines the historical background and development of works written for young people. Concepts and strategies will be highlighted to help cultivate children’s love of reading appropriate literary works. A variety of genres will be explored, created, and taught through field experiences and classroom work.

Introduction to Literature

ENG 210 - Introduction to Literature

C or better in ENG 111

Introduces the conventions, styles, structures, and techniques of four major literary genres: poetry, the short story, the novel, and drama. Students read, analyze, and interpret modern and contemporary works from all four genres.

Creative Writing

ENG 201 - Creative Writing

C or better in ENG 111

Introduces techniques/approaches to creating original prose and verse. Investigates conventions, devices, and techniques – both traditional and contemporary – in the actual writing of poems, essays and stories. Develops students’ critical sense of writing and the process of revision. Allows students the opportunity to publish.

Pacific Literature

ENG 151 - Pacific Literature

C or better in ENG 111 and ENG 105

Explores how different Pacific cultures and histories produce various forms of Pacific literature including oral lore, short stories, novels, poems, and plays. Consider how questions of cultural identity, migration, and postcolonialism appear in regional texts.

English Composition II

ENG 112 - English Composition II

C or better in ENG 111 and ENG 105

Continuation of English Composition I. Designed to develop critical thinking, reading, writing, construction of academic argument, and research skills beyond the level of English Composition I.

English Composition I

ENG 111 - English Composition I

ENG 90s or Placement in Credit English

Introduction to composition emphasizing the composition process and the application of basic rhetorical patterns and organization strategies. Applies the concepts or purpose, audience, and tone in writing. Stresses unity, development, organization, coherence, and other basic skills necessary in college writing.

Fundamentals of Speech

ENG 105 - Fundamentals of Speech

ENG 90s or Placement in Credit English

Develops concepts of oral communication, with practice in speaking for formal and informal occasions. Provides development of critical listening skills as well as objective evaluation of other’s oral presentations.

Liberal Arts Capstone

CMI 290 - Liberal Arts Capstone

Student must have completed 30 credits toward their Liberal Arts degree, completed or concurrently enrolled in ENG 220 and have an approved proposal.

Acts as a culminating experience for Liberal Arts majors who are in the year of graduation. Applies student research to a service learning and a writing/presentation component.

Art History

ART 201 - Art History

C or better in ENG 101

Introduces a survey of art history from the Paleolithic era to the Renaissance. Examines, analyzes and evaluates the major stylistic periods, time periods, movements, and trends in the visual arts. This course will acquaint students with the critical processes in how to achieve a well-balanced appreciation for art and its influence on cultural development.