
Introduction to Engine Room Watchkeeping

MART 130 Introduction to Engine Room Watchkeeping

Introduces students to the requirements to contribute to a watch in a manned engine room or perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine room. Students practice relevant operational checks and assisting in the maintenance of marine diesel engines and associated auxiliary machinery in accordance with safety and statutory requirements. Instructional time includes classroom and shipboard hours.

Introduction to Bridge Watchkeeping

MART 121 Introduction to Bridge Watchkeeping

Continues development of students’ abilities to contribute to a navigation watch. Students practice the duties of a rating on bridge and cargo watchkeeping duties. Students will be required to spend two months on board a training

VCARP 051: Construction English II

Outcome (SLO)

SLO Name
SLO 3_Common work related
Read common work related material. Approved by CAC on January 8, 2013
SLO Outcome Status
SLO Assessment Cycle
2016 – 2017 (Fall), 2013 – 2014 (Fall), 2013 – 2014 (Spring), 2014 – 2015 (Fall), 2014 – 2015 (Spring), 2015 – 2016 (Fall), 2016 – 2017 (Spring), 2015 – 2016
(Spring), Fall 2020 – Fall 2021 Cycle 2 Group 1, Fall 2021 – Fall 2022 Cycle 3 Group 1

Make a Plan Assessment Data & Analysis
Assessment Tool Status: Active
Assessment Data & Analysis Date: 05/18/2023
Assessment Type: Objective Type Exam/Quiz – In Course
Actual Benchmark Score: 100
Assessment Cycle: MAPS Fall 2022 – Fall 2023 Cycle 4 Group 1
Assessment Data & Analysis: The students were given an exam consisting of 28 questions. Out of the 28 questions there were 27 multiple choice questions and 1 essay question. All seven students in the class attempted the exam and all of the students were able to pass. Out of the seven students, three received A grades and four received B grades. For the next semesters, I would recommend switching up the questions. Instead of having multiple choice questions, it would be good to challenge the students with more essay questions.
Assessment Approach: Individual Assessment
Name of Individual Completing the Results: Patricia Owens-Livai
Number of Sections: 1
Reporting Period: MAPS Fall 2022 – Fall 2023 Cycle 4 Group 1
Benchmark Threshold: 70 Benchmark: 70% of students will satisfactorily perform
Benchmark Threshold: 70 Benchmark: 70% of students will satisfactorily perform Notes: A copy of the exam will be uploaded High Quality Assessment Plan: Yes
Department Chair Feedback: Instructor will also need to devise strategies to assist those students that are unable to achieve a pass and also use real case scenarios so students better understand the workplace. Department Chair Approval Status: Approved Department Chair Approval Date: 05/29/2023
Academics Elementary Education

Introduction to Social Justice

SOJ 101 – Introduction to Social Justice

ENG 90s or placement intro Credit English

Provides students with an introduction to what social justice means in different
contexts and how it can be advanced and attained through various mediums including but not limited to
innovation, forward thinking, reformation, and tolerance and empathy for the underprivileged.


Introduction to Visual Arts

VART 101- Introduction to Visual Arts

C or better in ENG 111

Introduce visual art with a focus on video, camera work and editing. The focus is  primarily on documentary work with an anthropological reference. 

Fundamentals of Mathematics

MATH 099 – Fundamental of Mathematics

Math 089 Basic Mathematics or Placement

Focuses on application of mathematical skills to solving problems that are relevant to Non-STEM students for Credit level Math that does not lead to College Algebra and Calculus. Topics include principles and applications of decimals, fractions, ratio, proportions, signed operations, properties of operations, order of operations, measurements, perimeter, area and volume of plane geometric figures, and introduction to Statistics and Probability.

Academics Maritime

Introduction to Seamanship

MART 120 - Introduction to Seamanship

Prerequisite: MART 102 and MART 103

Introduces students to the requirements to contribute to a navigation watch.
Students will carry out a range of deck duties safely and in accordance with accepted procedures and standards. Instructional time includes classroom and shipboard hours.

Academics Maritime

STCW Basic Safety Training

MART 110 - STCW Basic Safety Training

Provides maritime and fisheries industry workers of all levels of work experience with mandatory basic safety training. Covers basic marine firefighting; first aid/CPR; personal safety and social responsibility; and personal survival. The course meets the requirement of the IMO Convention of Standard of Training, Certification and Watch-Keeping (STCW) for Seafarers and is also suitable for first responders such
as municipal and airport firefighters, industrial workers, police officers and ambulance
attendants. For not-for-credit STCW Basic Safety Training, see MART 070.

Academics Maritime

English for Mariners

MART 103 - English for Mariners

Designed to provide instruction in the fundamentals of writing, reading, listening and speaking in English with emphasis on nautical terminology

Academics Maritime

Mathematics for Mariners

MART 102 - Mathematics for Mariners

Designed to provide instruction in basic math skills necessary for employment on board seagoing vessels. Emphasizes practical application problems relating to shipboard work.