Purpose of the Annual Report
The purpose of the College of the Marshall Islands’ Annual Reports is to provide the Nitijela for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) with the summary of activities undertaken at the College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) in each calendar year. In accordance with the College of the Marshall Islands Act 1992, section 220 (1), the submission of this report fulfils CMI’s statutory obligations under the same Act. The relevant part of Section 220 reads as follows:
Reports and Auditing Procedures
By January 1st each year, or as soon as practicable thereafter, a report shall be made to the President of the Republic and to the Nitijela. The annual report shall contain information concerning the activities, programs, progress, condition and financial status of the College in the fiscal year most recently completed. The annual report shall provide comprehensive financial information which accounts for the use of all funds available to the College from the government or otherwise, and which shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The annual report shall also describe implementation of the College’s long-range plan and include information on student enrollment, costs per component and per student and the status of students graduated from or terminated studies at the College.
Annual Reports
Note: The image above will change as required to reflect relevant CMI calendar events.